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Resources for Graduate Students

General Resources

Student Affairs: Graduate Student Resources

A collection of resources put together by the Office of Student Affairs for all graduate students, including those with families; both CSU-specific and Fort Collins-based resources are included.

Graduate School: Resources for Current Students

Graduate School’s page with helpful links for current students. Topics include Graduate School and university program requirements, mentoring resources, professional development opportunities and more.

Graduate School Competency Road Map

This road map is intended to help students prepare for their future career. It provides a framework for developing six core competencies in three areas identified to enhance personal and professional success.

WSCOE Current Students Page

The college’s resource page for current students, including but not limited to information on events, mentoring and student organizations.

Rams Against Hunger

Operating from The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLiCE), Rams Against Hunger offers a menu of services that support students, faculty and staff experiencing food insecurity.

Basic Needs Resources – Division of Student Affairs

No one should have to forgo meeting their basic needs at the expense of a degree, or meet the stigma that comes with being Basic Needs insecure alone. With your help, we hope to begin dismantling this stigma, and reforming the systems that contribute to basic needs insecurities in the first place, beginning at CSU.

Access and Success

Cultural Resource Centers

Support services specific to students with underrepresented identities.

Office of Inclusive Excellence

A wealth of resources related to the university’s efforts.

WSCOE Access and Success

This page provides resources from the college on events, initiatives and more.


CSU Health Network

The CSU Health Network has a variety of services available for students, as well as information on the Student Health Insurance Plan. 

Domestic Student Health Insurance Information 

International Student Health Insurance Information

Counseling Services

Counseling services are available to all fee-paying students, and there are many options. Visit the counseling website for more information. The after-hours mental health crisis intervention line is (970) 491-7121.


An online tool intended to connect students with campus resources and other online educational tools that help them be more proactive with their health and well-being, so they can make the most of their college experience. Login with your eID.

Tell Someone

Through Tell Someone, you can report anything that threatens your safety or the safety of others in the university community. Tell Someone is available to seek help for or report a concern about any CSU community member, including employees who work off campus.

Case Management

Provides support and referral services for students experiencing difficult medical, mental health, personal/family crisis, illness or injury situations.

Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services

Assistance provided to students for any issue.

Campus Recreation Center

The rec center offers fitness, intramural sports, outdoor adventure, and overall health and wellness programs. The fee for the rec center is included in full-time student fees. Please note that this does not start until the fall. Separate summer memberships are required in the summer if you are not enrolled in any classes and therefore not paying student fees.

CSU Health Network Spiritual Care

Spiritual care services are available to all students, faculty and staff, and open to all beliefs, faiths, cultures and identities (including those who do not identify as spiritual or religious).

Learning Resources

ACNS Keep Learning

Academic Computing & Networking Service’s page offers curated study tips, resources and information to help students succeed in various learning environments.

Student Disability Center’s Information Page

The Student Disability Center facilitates the educational pursuits of students who have disabilities and/or other chronic conditions by coordinating a variety of accommodations and services.

Writing Center

Advice and resources at every stage of the writing process. Writing consultants will provide feedback on your drafts and help you with your writing and research strategies.

The Institute for Learning and Teaching

The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) helps students, faculty, and staff use research-based learning and teaching methods to support academic achievement and post-graduation success for all CSU students.