About the Department
Our top-rated department focuses on graduate education, cutting-edge research, and public service. We currently have 20 faculty members, 78 graduate students, 54 full-time researchers, and an outstanding and dedicated support staff. Our diverse areas of research include cloud microphysics, severe storms and mesoscale meteorology, atmospheric chemistry and air quality, radiation and remote sensing, climate and atmosphere-ocean dynamics, data assimilation and machine learning, and global biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems. We offer graduate degrees at both the M.S. and Ph.D. levels. The department was founded in 1962 by renowned tropical meteorologist Herbert Riehl and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012.
CSU Atmospheric Science is a leading global institution, and as such, all members of our community regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical ability, age, socioeconomic status or nationality are welcome as equal contributors. We value and appreciate all community members, and we believe that providing a welcoming environment on our campus strengthens our entire scientific community.