Our NSF REU Site Program will not be accepting applications for Summer 2025. We will not hold a program during Summer 2025.
Summer 2024 Program Dates:
May 28 – August 2, 2024

Now that you’ve submitted your application.
What happens next?
February: The Selection Committee reviews applications.
March: Zoom interviews scheduled with semi-finalists.
Mid March: Notifications of acceptances are sent out.

2023 Interns during visit to National Center for Atmospheric Research

Preparing your application for the 2024 REU Site in Earth System Science
Program Eligibility
A successful candidate should:
- be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident due to funding restrictions
- have completed at least two years of college
- have completed one semester of Calculus before the start of the program
- have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- be pursuing an undergraduate degree in atmospheric science or a related field such as meteorology, geosciences, chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering, environmental science, mathematics or physics
- be considering a career in atmospheric science or related field
- be graduating no sooner than December 2024

The online application will ask for the following.
Please limit your response to each question to 250 words or less.
- Personal and Academic Experience
Question 1:
Please prepare a statement that describes your interest in the REU program.
Your statement should explain why you want to participate in the REU program, what you hope to learn from the program, and how this research experience will help you achieve your academic and career goals.
Your statement may include, for example, a description of :
(1) Your research interests;
(2) Any relevant research experience you have had in an academic or work setting;
(3) What you hope to learn from this experienceQuestion 2:
Past program participants have found the program to be a very rewarding and at times a challenging experience.
Please describe a major challenge you have encountered in your life, how you overcame it, and what you learned about yourself and others as a result of the experience. (The experience can be taken from any aspect of your life; it does not need to be related to academics.)
Question 3:
What are you especially proud of outside of your academic record?
- References
- Each applicant must provide the name and contact information for two professional references.
One reference should have some knowledge of your academic performance and interest in the earth system sciences (e.g. faculty member).
- We will reach out to your references and ask that they fill in a questionnaire.
- It is your responsibility to notify your references to expect an email from us and request that they respond by the deadline.
Academic Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts will be accepted during the application process. However, students selected for the internship will need to provide official transcripts before they will be officially accepted into the program. Please do not include high school transcripts. Please refer to the application for further instruction.