Our NSF REU Site Program will not be accepting applications for Summer 2025. We will not hold a program during Summer 2025.
Welcome to the REU Site in Earth System Science!
Our NSF-supported REU offers paid summer undergraduate research internships at Colorado State University in the Department of Atmospheric Science. Interns participate in a 10 week program from early June through early August. This is an exciting research opportunity in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado. Join world-class atmospheric scientists investigating the science of clouds, climate and climate change, weather, and modeling. During our program interns have the opportunity to attend scientific seminars, visit national scientific laboratories, and participate in a variety of professional development training.

Meet our REU Program Directors!
Melissa Burt, PhD (she/her)

Dr. Melissa Burt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Science and the Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion in the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering at Colorado State University. In this position, Dr. Burt leads the strategic planning and implementation efforts for diversity, inclusion and equity goals across the College, and has an active role in university-wide diversity and inclusion initiatives. Her research focuses on atmospheric science education research, in particular, science identity, belonging and mentoring in STEM, and science communication.
Dr. Burt has served as the Director of the REU Site program since it’s inception in 2008.
Charlotte DeMott, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Director

Dr. Charlotte Demott is a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University. Dr. DeMott’s research interests include ocean-atmosphere coupled processes and their effects on the intensity, frequency, and organization of tropical convection. She is especially interested in understanding how these interactions affect the 30-70 day Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO), El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and their predictability. At CSU, she works with Professors Peter Jan van Leeuwen and Eric Maloney. Dr. DeMott co-chairs the WGNE Madden-Julian oscillation Task Force and the US CLIVAR Process Study and Model Improvement Panel.
Dr. DeMott has served as the Assitant Director of the REU Site since 2019.