Jakob Lindaas named SoGES Sustainability Leadership Fellow
CSU’s School of Global Environmental Sustainability (SoGES) has selected Ph.D. student Jakob Lindaas as one of 20 early career academics to be a Sustainability Leadership Fellow for the 2019-20 academic year. Lindaas is advised by Associate Professor Emily Fischer.
SoGES recognizes that CSU’s future Ph.D.s and postdoctoral researchers are a primary informational resource for the complex decisions that will determine our environmental future. Over the course of the year, fellows will receive training to become leaders, learning to effectively communicate science to the media, policy makers and the public. They also will learn how to build successful careers that incorporate meaningful engagement and an interdisciplinary approach to research.
This year’s Sustainability Leadership Fellows represent 18 departments and six colleges. Postdoctoral fellow Kelsey Bilsback also was chosen as a Sustainability Leadership Fellow for next academic year.
Lindaas said he was thrilled to be named a leadership fellow and excited to get to know the diverse group of sustainability scholars from many disciplines and schools at CSU.
“I’m hoping to learn more about how to foster innovative, interdisciplinary research to solve environmental problems and how scientists can better communicate what they know with the public as well as policy makers,” he said.
For more information about the fellowship, you can read the Source article, “School of Global Environmental Sustainability announces 2019-20 Sustainability Leadership Fellows.”