Professional development workshop on private sector careers May 1
Professor Sue van den Heever and Melissa Burt will host a professional development workshop on careers in the private sector 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, in ATS 101. Featured panelists are Chris Alston, sales engineer with ClimaCell; Rachel Hatteberg, software engineer with Aeris, LLC; Gavin McMeeking, principal scientist with Handix Scientific; and Sara Tucker, research scientist with Ball Aerospace.
This is the third workshop in a series of three. The first workshop, held in May 2018, focused on academic careers. The second, on April 9, highlighted government labs and other agencies.
All are welcome at the panel discussion. There will be time for questions from the audience. Refreshments will follow the panel, so students can talk to the panelists one-on-one.