CSU hosts the VIII Convection Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop
Associate Professor Kristen Rasmussen led the VIII Convection Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop at Colorado State University in early September 2024. Participants joined from as far as Asia, Australia, South America, and Africa. The NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research and GEWEX jointly hosted the workshop with a theme of bridging the weather and climate interface from local to global scales. On one of the afternoons, participants went on an excursion to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Keynote speakers included:
Ruby Leung (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Mike Pritchard (University of California, Irvine and NVIDIA)
Dave Randall (Colorado State University)
Rene Garreaud (Universidad de Chile)
Alex Hall (University of California, Los Angeles)
Melissa Burt (Colorado State University)
Jon Petch (NCAR CGD)
Jim Hurrell (Colorado State University)
Fei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)