Ben Trabing and Kai-Chih Tseng receive department honors for student research
Ben Trabing and Kai-Chih Tseng were honored this afternoon for outstanding student publications. Trabing, advised by Associate Professor Michael Bell, received the Riehl Memorial Award for his paper, “Impacts of Radiation and Upper Tropospheric Temperatures on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensity,” based on his M.S. research. Tseng, advised by Professor Eric Maloney and Associate Professor Elizabeth Barnes, received the Alumni Award for an outstanding paper based on Ph.D. research for “The Consistency of MJO Teleconnection Patterns: An Explanation Using Linear Rossby Wave Theory.”
Herbert Riehl, Jr. was in attendance for presentation of the Herbert Riehl Memorial Award that honors his father, who founded the Department of Atmospheric Science. Trabing and Tseng each gave brief technical presentations on their research following announcement of their awards.
“Ben is one of the hardest workers I know,” said Bell, who also received the Riehl Award as an M.S. student. He recounted how Dr. Bill Gray asked him a challenging question following his presentation and encouraged others to do the same for Trabing.
Maloney praised Tseng’s work ethic and creativity. He said Tseng is prolific, with three publications in his name already and a fourth in the works.
“We couldn’t have asked for a better student,” Maloney said.

Riehl Award winner Ben Trabing, left, with Herbert Riehl, Jr., center, and his adviser, Michael Bell, a past Riehl Award recipient.

Alumni Award winner Kai-Chih Tseng, center, with his advisers, Elizabeth Barnes and Eric Maloney.