Next Teen Science Café: The Teal Housewives of Colorado
How do ducks fly all the way to Colorado from South America and still find time to sit on eggs for a month? Why would they even bother coming up to the mountains when they could stay in the balmy tropics? Casey Setash from CSU’s Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology will answer these questions and more at the next Teen Science Café on March 21. She will discuss the cinnamon teal and the ways it makes the most of its time in Colorado.
When: 5-7 p.m., with the presentation starting at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 21
Where: Everyday Joe’s Coffee House, 144 S. Mason St., Fort Collins
Presenter: Casey Setash from CSU’s Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
RSVP to the March 21 Teen Science Café here.
March 21 Teen Science Café flier
The Front Range Teen Science Café is part of a larger national network of science cafés for teens. ESMEI’S Teen Science Café brings scientists and teens together for a conversation about science in a local coffee shop, Everyday Joe’s Coffee House. A primary goal of the café is for teens to increase their understanding of the nature of science and to develop a realistic perception of scientists and the lives they lead, which they sometimes do not get in school.