Welcome to our new students!
Front row, from left: Kathryn Moore, Chelsea Nam, I-Ting Ku, Kirsten Mayer, William McNichols and Joe Messina. Back row, from left: Jhordanne Jones, Erin Dougherty, Kevin Barry, Faith Groff, Ryan Gonzalez and Evie Bangs. Not pictured: Zach Bruick.
Fall semester officially began this week, and the department was thrilled to welcome our incoming class of graduate students with a picnic at Spring Canyon Park. Faculty introduced their new students and shared a little about the research each student will be doing. The whole department was invited and enjoyed barbecue catered by Famous Dave’s and music by Chad Fell Down, a band comprised mainly of Atmos and CIRA staff. Graduate Representative Jakob Lindaas announced the recipient of the Professor of the Year Award, Dave Randall, and presented him with a plaque.

Michael Bell introduces his new students, Chelsea Nam and Jhordanne Jones.

Graduate Representative Jakob Lindaas reads an excerpt from a Professor of the Year evaluation form to this year’s recipient, Dave Randall.

Chad Fell Down, with Kelly Branson (ATS) on guitar and vocals, Mark Branson (ATS) on drums, and Matt Rogers (CIRA) on bass and vocals.