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Libby Barnes

Elizabeth A. Barnes – Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 2012 – University of Washington, Seattle
  • Understanding the variability of the atmosphere to better interpret and predict its behavior over a range of timescales and climates
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8206

Michael Bell

Michael M. Bell – Professor

  • Ph.D. – 2010 – Naval Postgraduate School – Monterey, CA
  • Tropical cyclones, radar, mesoscale, and tropical meteorology
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8345

Melissa Burt

Melissa A. Burt – Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion in the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

  • Ph.D. – 2016 – Colorado State University, Fort Collins
  • Atmospheric science education research, science identity, belonging, and mentoring in STEM, science communication education
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8706

Christine Chiu

Christine Chiu – Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences – 2003 – Purdue University – West Lafayette, Indiana
  • Remote sensing, radiative transfer, and cloud-aerosol-precipitation-radiation interactions
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8410

Jeff Collett - faculty page

Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr. – Professor

  • Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering – 1989 – California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
  • Environmental chemistry, aqueous phase chemistry and cloud microphysics measurements, gas and aerosol scavenging, precipitation and deposition processes, and air quality
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8697

Emily Fischer

Emily Fischer – Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 2010 – University of Washington, Seattle
  • Field-based and applied modeling approaches to investigate the sources of atmospheric trace gases to remote environments
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8587

James Hurrell

James Hurrell – Professor and Scott Presidential Chair in Environmental Science and Engineering

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 1990 – Purdue University – West Lafayette, Indiana
  • Global climate change, natural climate variability, seasonal-to-decadal climate predictability, and geoengineering
  • Email:
  • Phone: 303-910-3514

Patrick Keys

Patrick W. Keys – Assistant Professor

  • Ph.D. in Sustainability Science – 2016 – Stockholm University – Stockholm, Sweden
  • Climate and societal change, anthropocene futures, sustainable development, and human dimensions of atmospheric water recycling
  • Email:

Sonia Kreidenweis

Sonia M. Kreidenweis – University Distinguished Professor and Executive Associate Dean in the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering – 1989 – California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
  • Atmospheric chemistry, aerosol chemistry and physics, experimental and modeling studies of aerosol/cloud/climate interactions, and visibility
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8350

Chris Kummerow

Christian D. Kummerow – Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics – 1987 – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
  • Atmospheric radiative transfer and remote sensing of hydrological parameters
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-7473

Eric Maloney

Eric D. Maloney – Professor and Department Head

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 2000 – University of Washington, Seattle
  • Tropical meteorology, climate dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interaction
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-3368

Steven Miller

Steven Miller – Professor and director of the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 2000 – Colorado State University, Fort Collins
  • Meteorological satellite remote sensing of the earth/atmosphere system, multispectral imaging, algorithm development and forecaster applications
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8037

Jeff Pierce

Jeffrey Pierce – Professor

  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering – 2008 – Carnegie Mellon University – Pittsburgh, PA
  • Aerosols, air pollution, health, aerosol-cloud interactions, climate
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8572

Dave Randall

David A. Randall – University Distinguished Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 1976 – University of California, Los Angeles
  • General circulation modeling, planetary boundary layer, convective cloud dynamics, and cloud/climate studies
  • Email:

Kristen Rasmussen

Kristen L. Rasmussen – Associate Professor

  • Ph.D. – 2014 – University of Washington, Seattle
  • Satellite and mesoscale meteorology, global convective systems, cloud dynamics, hydrometeorology, cloud climate interactions, high-impact weather
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8983

'Ravi' Ravishankara

A. R. Ravishankara – University Distinguished Professor

  • Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry – 1975 – University of Florida, Gainesville
  • Ozone layer depletion, climate change, and air quality
  • Joint appointment with CSU Department of Chemistry
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-2876

Allen Robinson

Allen L. Robinson – Professor and Dean of the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering – 1996 – University of California, Berkeley
  • Technical and policy issues related to the impact of emissions from energy systems on air quality, climate and public health with an eye toward policy analysis and decision-making
  • Email:

Maria Rugenstein

Maria Rugenstein – Assistant Professor

  • Ph.D. – 2017 – ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Zürich, Switzerland
  • Climate dynamics, large scale ocean-atmosphere interaction, ocean heat uptake, climate sensitivity
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8364

Russ Schumacher

Russ S. Schumacher – Professor and Colorado State Climatologist

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 2008 – Colorado State University, Fort Collins
  • Mesoscale meteorology, mesoscale convective systems, weather analysis and forecasting, the climatology of precipitation, precipitation extremes, flash floods, and societal impacts of weather
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8084

Dave Thompson

David W. J. Thompson – Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 2000 – University of Washington, Seattle
  • Global climate variability, climate change, large-scale atmospheric dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interaction, and climate impacts
  • Email:

Sue van den Heever

Sue van den Heever – University Distinguished Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science – 2001 – Colorado State University, Fort Collins
  • Convective storms, mesoscale meteorology, numerical modeling, cloud physics and dynamics, aerosol indirect effects
  • Email:
  • Phone: 970-491-8501

Peter Jan Van Leeuwen

Peter Jan van Leeuwen – Professor

  • Ph.D. – 1992 – Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Nonlinear data assimilation in high-dimensional geophysical systems, causality inference in complex geophysical systems, geophysical fluid dynamics and ocean circulation
  • Email:

Dien Wu

Dien Wu – Assistant Professor

  • Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences – 2020, University of Utah, SLC, US
  • Atmospheric chemistry (carbon cycle), remote sensing, atmospheric and inverse modeling, land-atmosphere interaction
  • Email:

Emeritus Faculty

Myron J. Corrin

William R. Cotton

Stephen K. Cox

Scott Denning

Lewis O. Grant

William M. Gray

Bernard Haurwitz

Richard H. Johnson

Thomas B. McKee

Roger A. Pielke, Sr.

Elmar R. Reiter

Herbert H. Riehl

Steve Rutledge

  • Ph.D. – 1983 – University of Washington, Seattle
  • Professor – Radar and mesoscale meteorology, precipitation physics, and atmospheric electricity

Wayne H. Schubert

  • Ph.D. – 1973 – University of California – Los Angeles, CA
  • Professor – Dynamic and theoretical meteorology, parameterization of cumulus convection, clouds/climate studies, and marine meteorology
Peter C. Sinclair

  • Ph.D. – 1966 – University of Arizona
  • Associate Professor – Severe storms, cumulus dynamics, thunderstorm modification, and meteorological instrumentation

Graeme L. Stephens

  • Ph.D. in Meteorology – 1977 – University of Melbourne, Australia
  • University Distinguished Professor – Radiation theory, radiative parameterization, cloud/climate studies, and remote sensing

Thomas H. Vonder Haar

  • Ph.D. in Meteorology – 1968 – University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • University Distinguished Professor – Satellite meteorology, radiation physics, and global climate
  • Department Head (1974-84) and Founding Director of CIRA (1980-2008)


Jeffrey Andersen

  • Ph.D. – 1990 – Princeton University
  • Senior Scientist and Section Head, NCAR

Mary Barth

  • Ph.D. – 1991 – University of Washington
  • Senior Scientist and Head of the Regional Modeling Process Group, NCAR/MMM
Katherine Benedict

  • Ph.D. – 2012 – Colorado State University
  • Research Scientist II, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Kenneth Davis

  • Ph.D. – 1992 – University of Colorado
  • Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Clara Deser

  • Ph.D. – 1989 – University of Washington
  • Senior Scientists and Head of Climate Analysis Section, NCAR

Steven Fletcher

  • Ph.D. – 2004 – University of Reading
  • Research Scientist III, CIRA/CSU
Edwin Gerber

  • Ph.D. – 2006 – Princeton University
  • Professor, New York University
Jen Henderson

  • Ph.D. – 2016 – Virginia Tech
  • Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University

John Knaff

  • Ph.D. – 1997 – Colorado State University
  • Meteorologist, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR/RAMMB
Wen-Chau Lee

  • Ph.D. – 1988 – University of California, Los Angeles
  • Manager, NCAR/EOL/Remote Sensing Facility

Glen Liston

  • Ph.D. – 1991 – Montana State University
  • Senior Research Scientist, CIRA/CSU

Bret Schichtel

  • Ph.D. – 1996 – Washington University
  • Research Physical Scientist, CIRA/CSU

Justin Small

  • Ph.D. – 2000 – National Oceanography Centre
  • Project Scientist, NCAR